What Happened to TVRage?
For over two weeks now trying to load TVRage.com results in an error message from CloudFlare and a cached copy returned. It looks like the site has gone down, perhaps permanently. This would be bad news, as it was my go-to for information on what shows are running and worse, their API was what I used with my TVShowRenamer app that I created for myself to automatically rename shows to match the format that I use. This is making me very sad. I’ve been looking at TVDB to cover the API needs but it looks like their API isn’t as user friendly as the TVRage one was for my purposes (it appears for example that you have to download all episode information for a show at once, rather than being able to search for a single particular episode).
Going back to manually renaming every downloaded episode to the format that I use, as well as manually looking up the names for the episodes simply doesn’t sound appealing to me, so I’ll have to come up with a solution. I will probably have to have another good look at the TVDB API and make it work somehow, but that means a significant amount of work. All because TVRage simply decided to go under randomly. What a nuisance.